Today we pushed out some nice updates to Sunshine Social.
Custom Backgrounds from Unsplash: As part of our on-boarding process, you can now find a custom background image for your profile by searching the photo service Unsplash. Search for any term you wish, select an image you like and continue. It's a simple way to add some unique style to your page.
You can still upload a custom background if you wish from your settings page.
Updates to Journals: You can now edit a journal entry after it has been published, now you can fix those pesky mistakes.
Photos on journal entries can now be viewed larger by clicking on them.
Rather than only being able to link to your full journal, you can now link to or view individual entries by clicking on the "permalink" at the bottom of each post.
Tomorrow we'll be pushing out some more updates to Journals, plus updates to the homepage design to talk about some of the newest features.